Sunday, November 3, 2013 | 2:23 AM |
Hello korang. Haih aku semakin hari semakin tak bersemangat. Mybe bec of what happen sepanjang hari aku harini. Yeahx. Actually, aku malas gila nak pergi sekolah. Yeah, malas gila! Tapi sebab kawan aku suruh datang so aku datanglah. Terpaksa bukan aku yang nak, bukan! But aku tak sangka just bec of that aku lost mcm ni ohmygod! Hm, lepasni pun aku dah malas nak datangs ekolah yesh i will never come to school lagi dah. Ergh perit weh. Ahh aku malas nak layan perasaan aku macam ni. Its make me more insane! Bukan aku tak nak just malas! Teruk sangat ke apa yang aku dah done dekat kau? hah hah? tell rn!!! if ada okay i'll mintak maaf or what?! hm..just bec of aku terlupa nak ajak dah kau tak layan semua. hey not my fault aku dah suruh wawa ajak kau kan? tak dengar? lol
Aku actually bukan nak marah kau or pape je just aku rasa bersalah sangat sangat sampai buat kau diam membisu terus. youre my chingu and forever are my chingu. youre everything to me and on me! please, jebal. youre my best friend please lah faham. aku tak sengaja, dorang pun sama. heish. siyesly aku rasa bersalah sangat sangat. heish im not strong but there someone who always makes me strong like this! yeah yeah xoxo! Aku harap kau maafkan aku and friendship kita akan terus kekal and kekal lah sampai bila bilaaa >< ilysm chingu !!! Hm aku pun kadang kadang pelik jugak dengan perangai kau yang pelik gila gila ni. Heish only god know what i mean! Hm mybe tak semua manusia dekat dunia ni perfect. Am i right? hm yeasssh. Aku sedar im not perfect and never will be it.
Oh gosh aku baru tau yang exo is on running man. dah ada preview episode dah pun! oh hell . omg cant wait for exo in running man. hellyeah running man vs 'ruining man' my life gonna ruin by these blue men. But, exo's running man preview is like sm promoting growl ohh hell seriously i cant wait for watch ittt! It must be more kaisoo moment hahaa cant wait! hewhew. if ure gonna put exo in a variety show to promote their own song then forget about it sm don't give us high hopes. Okay, heres the link :
Youtube . Probably exo only appears on ripping nametag part in Running Man,but I can't wait to see it ♥.♥
One of the reasons why im still standing
Btw, aku dah asingkan acc twitter aku.
@ShahirahShahxx : for my chingu, family or what can i say? for non-kpoppers and
@Shahikai is for my beloved kpop fans all around the world, masih collect followers hehe, do follow me keh :)
The owner
This is my biodata
Assalamu'alaikum and annyeong *wave*, hello guise
I'm Fatin Shahirah, just a normal fifteen year-old-girl trying to live life to the fullest.
I'm a student of SMKKJ, Tanjong Malim, Perak.
I'm a pure Malaysian with a lil' bit Chinese and Siamese mixed.
I do hate bugs, backstabbers, anons, haters, and copycaters. An ummah of Allah's final messanger, Prophet Muhammad.
Name : Fatin Shahirah.
Birthday : 11th of January.
Religion : Muslim , Islam.
Live in : A peace country with various of races and religion, Malaysia.
Hobbies : Reading during free time.
Biases: : Mr. Hyunwoo.
Adore: : Kim Jongin and Nazim Othman.
“People always find a reason to hate you" - G-Dragon .
Sunday, November 3, 2013 | 2:23 AM |
0 comment
Hello korang. Haih aku semakin hari semakin tak bersemangat. Mybe bec of what happen sepanjang hari aku harini. Yeahx. Actually, aku malas gila nak pergi sekolah. Yeah, malas gila! Tapi sebab kawan aku suruh datang so aku datanglah. Terpaksa bukan aku yang nak, bukan! But aku tak sangka just bec of that aku lost mcm ni ohmygod! Hm, lepasni pun aku dah malas nak datangs ekolah yesh i will never come to school lagi dah. Ergh perit weh. Ahh aku malas nak layan perasaan aku macam ni. Its make me more insane! Bukan aku tak nak just malas! Teruk sangat ke apa yang aku dah done dekat kau? hah hah? tell rn!!! if ada okay i'll mintak maaf or what?! hm..just bec of aku terlupa nak ajak dah kau tak layan semua. hey not my fault aku dah suruh wawa ajak kau kan? tak dengar? lol
Aku actually bukan nak marah kau or pape je just aku rasa bersalah sangat sangat sampai buat kau diam membisu terus. youre my chingu and forever are my chingu. youre everything to me and on me! please, jebal. youre my best friend please lah faham. aku tak sengaja, dorang pun sama. heish. siyesly aku rasa bersalah sangat sangat. heish im not strong but there someone who always makes me strong like this! yeah yeah xoxo! Aku harap kau maafkan aku and friendship kita akan terus kekal and kekal lah sampai bila bilaaa >< ilysm chingu !!! Hm aku pun kadang kadang pelik jugak dengan perangai kau yang pelik gila gila ni. Heish only god know what i mean! Hm mybe tak semua manusia dekat dunia ni perfect. Am i right? hm yeasssh. Aku sedar im not perfect and never will be it.
Oh gosh aku baru tau yang exo is on running man. dah ada preview episode dah pun! oh hell . omg cant wait for exo in running man. hellyeah running man vs 'ruining man' my life gonna ruin by these blue men. But, exo's running man preview is like sm promoting growl ohh hell seriously i cant wait for watch ittt! It must be more kaisoo moment hahaa cant wait! hewhew. if ure gonna put exo in a variety show to promote their own song then forget about it sm don't give us high hopes. Okay, heres the link :
Youtube . Probably exo only appears on ripping nametag part in Running Man,but I can't wait to see it ♥.♥
One of the reasons why im still standing
Btw, aku dah asingkan acc twitter aku.
@ShahirahShahxx : for my chingu, family or what can i say? for non-kpoppers and
@Shahikai is for my beloved kpop fans all around the world, masih collect followers hehe, do follow me keh :)