Hmm :/
Friday, June 14, 2013 | 1:54 AM |
Assalamualaikum ✧
Hmm, walawehhh abelibadiiii. Haishhh maalsnya mahu tunggu my mum balik drpd mesyuarat. I'm bored. So aku buat post. Pardon me? Trolol -.- Pffttts x)
Aku dengan adik aku emmey gila kalau dah takde pape nak buat. So yeah. we decided untuk snap-ii beberapa pic and enjoy kat bilik tu berdua je. Boring punya pasal x) HAHHA.
Pray for meh x)
Walwaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, fafen in the house x)
Okay masa tengah boring-ii tu kitorang terusyar lunafly and so yeah. aku minat yun. Dorang mantopppsss and cool lah. Aku suka cover dorang. Search la kat you tube okeng? Oklah aku nak out. Faris otp aku. K, bye :p
The owner
This is my biodata

Assalamu'alaikum and annyeong *wave*, hello guise
I'm Fatin Shahirah, just a normal fifteen year-old-girl trying to live life to the fullest.
I'm a student of SMKKJ, Tanjong Malim, Perak.
I'm a pure Malaysian with a lil' bit Chinese and Siamese mixed.
I do hate bugs, backstabbers, anons, haters, and copycaters. An ummah of Allah's final messanger, Prophet Muhammad.
Name : Fatin Shahirah.
Birthday : 11th of January.
Religion : Muslim , Islam.
Live in : A peace country with various of races and religion, Malaysia.
Hobbies : Reading during free time.
Biases: : Mr. Hyunwoo.
Adore: : Kim Jongin and Nazim Othman.
“People always find a reason to hate you" - G-Dragon .
Hmm :/
Assalamualaikum ✧
Hmm, walawehhh abelibadiiii. Haishhh maalsnya mahu tunggu my mum balik drpd mesyuarat. I'm bored. So aku buat post. Pardon me? Trolol -.- Pffttts x)
Aku dengan adik aku emmey gila kalau dah takde pape nak buat. So yeah. we decided untuk snap-ii beberapa pic and enjoy kat bilik tu berdua je. Boring punya pasal x) HAHHA.
Pray for meh x)
Walwaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, fafen in the house x)
Okay masa tengah boring-ii tu kitorang terusyar lunafly and so yeah. aku minat yun. Dorang mantopppsss and cool lah. Aku suka cover dorang. Search la kat you tube okeng? Oklah aku nak out. Faris otp aku. K, bye :p